Outdoor Therapy

Outdoor Therapy …Walk & Talk

Sometimes ….the very thought of sitting in a room talking to a therapist is the one thing that stops us from seeking help. 

It might feel …   too enclosed, 

too intense,

too clichéd.

It might  … trigger a previous painful memory, or prevent us from embracing one of our good coping strategies; ‘getting fresh air and exercise’.

We might just struggle to keep eye contact, preferring instead to walk beside someone who will listen and therapeutically support us as we endeavour to make sense of our madness. 

Sometimes …the rhythm of our footsteps help us connect our thoughts, and then we can find our words. It becomes easier to speak in the open air, and in doing so ‘let go’ of the things we have dared not say out loud before.

Therapy comes in many guises and one size never fits all. If you would like to try an outdoor session please contact me for further information.